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Theories of Nationalism

Theories of Nationalism







dr. sc. Tihomir Cipek , prof.


dr. sc. Tihomir Cipek , prof. - Seminar

Prijava ispita:



  • Predavanja 30
  • Seminar 30

* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)


Poučiti studente i studentice glavnim suvremenim teorijama nacionalizma, analizirati ključne pojmove i raspravljati o klasičnim raspravama, pitanjima i nedoumicama kod proučavanja nacionalizma. Na kolegiju će se raspravljati o pitanju zašto je nacionalizam još uvijek važan pokretač u suvremenoj politici i zašto je njegovo znanstveno proučavanje i dalje relevantno. Nakon toga dati će se pregled i ocjena glavnih sustavnih tipologija nacionalizma, i ispitati kako se ključni pojmovi, kao što su nacija , nacionalizam , nacionalnost , identitet i srodni nazivi koriste kod različitih autora. Nadalje, kolegij će se baviti glavnim teorijama (modernizam, konstruktivizam, primordializam, postmodernizam) koje objašnjavaju nastanak nacionalizma. Također će ukratko ispitati i kako se reproducira nacionalna i etnička simbolika. Kolegij će se baviti i suvremenim društvenim i političkim promjenama koje utječu na budućnost nacionalizma, te će se pokušati procijeniti koliko globalizacija utječe na suverenitet, nacionalnu pripadnost, demokraciju i nacionalnu državu.


  1. Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London, 2006 (1982);
  2. Smith, Anthony, Chosen Peoples: Sacred Sources of National Identity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003;
  3. Hobsbawm, Eric, Nations and Nationalisms since 1780. Program, Myth Reality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990;
  4. Breuilly, John, Nationalism and the State, Manchester University Press, 1993;
  5. Geertz, Clifford, Old Societies and New States: The Quest for Modernity in Asia and Africa, New York: Free Press, 1963.;
  6. Gradivo s predavanja;
  7. Umut Oezkirimli; Theories Of Nationalism: A Critical Introduction; Palgrave Macmillan (2019)



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prof. dr. sc. Tihomir Cipek:

Ponedjeljkom u 20:30, na Fakultetu


Conservative Revolution and Nationalism

Conservative Revolution and Nationalism | IntechOpen

The text uses the theory of nationalism to analyze the fundamental ideas of the conservative revolution. This is done through the reconstruction of the basic theses of the political thought of Thomas Mann, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Ernst Jünger, Oswald Spengler and Carl Schmitt. The analysis is focused on the way in which they interpreted the relationship between language and nation, war and nation, liberalism and nation, and the nation’s relationship with the West. It has shown that language was thought to reflect the spirit of the nation, that war was considered as the foundation of the national identity, that liberalism was given the role of the main ideological enemy of German national identity, and that the West was rejected while Russia and Dostoevsky were praised. The subsequent conclusion is that the ideology of the conservative revolution was based on German nationalism and the rejection of liberalism. Finally, it has been noted that, although conservative revolutionaries advocated for a dictatorship, they did not want a return to the old regime of the monarchy but an authoritarian conservative utopia. It is precisely those utopian elements of the conservative revolution that still make its ideas appealing to the radical right.

Conservative Revolution and Nationalism | IntechOpen

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