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Call for trainees: Formal and Informal Intergovernmental Relations

3rd IGCOORD Training School on
Formal and Informal Intergovernmental Relations
C A L L  F O R  T R A I N E E S

Date: 27-30 May 2025
Venue: Eurac Research, Viale Druso 1, Bolzano/Bozen
Local host: Institute for Comparative Federalism, Eurac Research
Application deadline: 14 February 2025
Notification of acceptance: 28 February 2025


Achieving coordination between executive actors of territorial units is one of the major challenges of today’s politics. External efects and thus the interdependence of political actions beyond borders of sovereign authority have increased dramatically, necessitating better coordination of decision-making and actions across territorial units as well as across levels of government in an increasingly complex environment. The efectiveness and legitimacy of democratic governance in contemporary States depends crucially on their coordination ability. There is still a serious lack of knowledge among scholars and practitioners on how to organize and process intergovernmental coordination in those various instances. Moreover, there is still no systematic connection between the various research communities dealing with the issues from their separate perspectives, such as federalism, European governance or local and regional governance scholars.

IGCOORD aims at connecting those diferent strands of research to provide systematic and comparable insights in the institutions, mechanisms and processes of intergovernmental coordination in the horizontal and in the vertical direction, across levels of government, policy sectors and territorial units. More specifically, it aims at 1) collecting comparative evidence, 2) distilling basic mechanisms and causal explanations from analytic comparison, 3) developing new collaborative research questions and 4) disseminating those insights and results to inform real-world policymaking.

More information can be found here.

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