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Call for application for the Master of European Studies programme - 2023/2024

Call for application for the Master of European Studies programme - 2023/2024

The Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb is issuing Open call for application for the Master of European Studies programme in the academic year 2023./2024.


Candidates do not take entrance exams to enroll to the Master of European Studies. Applications will be ranked based on the undergraduate study grade point average.

Candidates need to meet the following criteria:

1. 4-year B.A. degree in social sciences or humanities (equivalent of 240 ECTS)
2. Applicants who finished their 4–year B.A. degree in social sciences or humanities abroad need to have a certified copy of a diploma (validated by the University of Zagreb). We accept applications with confirmation issued by the Office for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications of the University of Zagreb (Ured za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) that the request for the recognition of diploma was submitted by the student.

Enrollment quota is 20 regular and 10 foreign students.

Tuition fee is 1.000,00 € / 7.534,50 HRK per semester (total fee of 2.000,00 € / 15.069,00 HRK), with the possibility of payment in a maximum of four installments.

A good command of spoken and written English is required.

Enrollment applications will be accepted on September 21 and 22, 2023.

Application form is available on the following link. Please submit the filled out form in person to the Faculty Library (Knjižnica) from 08:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Importanne Gallery, 2nd floor, Trg Drage Iblera 10, 10000 Zagreb, along with the other necessary documents stated in the application form.

Forms and documents can also be submitted by post by registered mail dated no later than September 22, 2023 at the following address:

Faculty of Political Science,
Importanne Gallery,
Trg Drage Iblera 10, 2nd floor,
10000 Zagreb,
with the annotation: for the Master of European Studies.

The following documentation must be submitted with the application form:

1. Cover letter in English
2. CV in English
3. 2 academic letters of recommendation
4. Certified copy of a diploma (validated by the University of Zagreb).  We accept applications with confirmation issued by the  Office for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications of the University of Zagreb, that the request for the recognition of diploma was submitted by the student. 
5. Grade transcript

Preliminary rankings will be announced on the website and notice board of the Faculty on September 25, 2023.

Written complaints on the preliminary rankings can be filed within 24 hours of preliminary rankings publication at the Faculty Secretariat (Tajništvo), Importanne Gallery, 2nd floor, Trg Drage Iblera 10, 10000 Zagreb.

The enrollment will take place on September 29, 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30. 

Candidates not enrolled within the prescribed period lose their right to enroll.


The program is intended for students from Croatia and abroad, specifically recent graduates in the field of social sciences and public administration experts involved in European affairs. The choice of English as the program’s teaching language has a dual goal: to attract international students and to prepare Croatian students for challenges of their profession in an international environment.

The curriculum is designed as a program with three main disciplines that make typical teaching subjects at European universities, specifically political science, economics and law. In addition to the subjects from the core of the curriculum, there are elective courses that will enable student specialization. It is worth noting that interdisciplinary approach has been highly appreciated and therefore widely applied both to the design and to the implementation of the curriculum we are offering. Consequently, graduates will be able to evaluate and critically think of complex problems that cross the boundaries of traditional disciplines, which is necessary for a thorough understanding of the European integration process and the institutional dynamics of the European Union.

Study program for the academic year 2023/2024 can be found here.

After graduation students:

  • will have broadened and improved their previously acquired undergraduate study knowledge and understanding, which will provide the basis or possibility for their originality in the development and / or their application of ideas in the context of scientific research in the areas of European law, Europeanpolicyand European economy;
  • will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding as well as the ability to solve problems in new and unknown situations in a wider context within the field of European Studies;
  • will be able to integrate knowledge and solve complextasks, andformulateopinions on the basis of partial or limited information, in a way that includes reflection on social and ethical responsibilities that are related to the application of their knowledge and judgment;
  • will be able to communicate their conclusions, as well as the knowledge and the reasons on which they are based, to specialists and non-specialists, in a clear and unambiguous manner;
  • will have developed the ability to learn, which will enable them to continue their studies in a largely self-directed or autonomous way.

After completing the studies, students who have obtained their master’s degree in European Studies will be qualified, inter alia, for:

  • policy formulation in state and regional bodies;
  • work at higher levels of national public administration;
  • work in European institutions;
  • project management in non-governmental organizations, trade unions, public services and the private sector;
  • work innational, European and international consulting houses;
  • work innational, European and international lobbying organizations;
  • work inresearch organizations for European affairs;
  • European education and vocational training;
  • collateral services, e.g. journalism, tourism industry, etc. .;
  • positions in diplomacy.


Kandidati za upis na sveučilišni diplomski studij Master of European Studies ne polažu prijemni ispit. Na Natječaj se mogu prijaviti:

  • studenti koji su završili sveučilišni preddiplomski studij društvenih ili humanističkih znanosti na kojem su ostvarili najmanje 240 ECTS-a
  • diplomirani studenti četverogodišnjih sveučilišnih dodiplomskih studija društvenih ili humanističkih znanosti u RH;
  • diplomirani studenti četverogodišnjih sveučilišnih dodiplomskih društvenih ili humanističkih znanosti koji su završili studij u inozemstvu, a diploma im je priznata u RH (nostrifikacija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu). Na natječaj se primaju i prijave s potvrdom o predaji zahtjeva za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija koju izdaje Ured za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na zahtjev stranke.

Rang lista za upis sastavlja se na temelju uspjeha postignutog na preddiplomskom/dodiplomskom studiju. 

Ukupna upisna kvota je 20 redovitih studenata i 10 stranih studenata.

Školarina za upis na diplomski studij Master of European Studies iznosi 1.000,00 € / 7.534,50 HRK po semestru (2.000,00 € / 15.069,00 HRK), uz mogućnost uplate na maksimalno četiri rate.

Potrebno je dobro poznavanje engleskog jezika u govoru i pismu.

Prijave za upis primaju se 21. i 22. rujna 2023. godine. 

Obrazac prijave preuzima se na poveznici, popunjava i predaje se osobno (u knjižnici Fakulteta od 8:00 do 15:00 sati) ili preporučenom pošiljkom (na adresu: Fakultet političkih znanosti, Trg Drage Iblera 10, II kat, 10 000 Zagreb, uz napomenu: natječaj za upis na diplomski studij Master of European Studies.

Uz prijavni obrazac potrebno je dostaviti sljedeću dokumentaciju:

1. Motivacijsko pismo na engleskom jeziku;
2. Životopis na engleskom jeziku;
3. 2 akademske preporuke (pisma preporuke);
4. Diploma priznata u RH ili Potvrda o predaji zahtjeva za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija;
5. Prijepis ocjena

Preliminarna rang lista za upis objavit će se na web stranici i oglasnoj ploči Fakulteta dana 25. rujna 2023. godine.

Pisane žalbe na preliminarnu rang listu mogu se podnijeti u roku od 24 sata od objave na web stranici i oglasnoj ploči Fakulteta, a predaju se u Tajništvu Fakulteta, Importanne Gallerija, Trg Drage Iblera 10, 2. kat, 10000 Zagreb. Nakon provedenog žalbenog postupka na web stranici i oglasnoj ploči objavljuju se konačne rang-liste za upis. 

Kandidati koji su stekli uvjete za upis upisivat će se 29. rujna 2023. godine od 14:00 do 15:30 sati.

Kandidati koji su ostvarili pravo na upis, a u propisanom roku se nisu upisali, gube pravo na upis.

Informacije o studiju dostupne su na poveznici.

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