Na jesen će se u Poljskoj održati parlamentarni izborni koji su u smislu političkog značaja za Poljsku i Europu vjerojatno jedni od značajnijih izbora koji će održati ove godine u EU. Tim povodom će u srijedu, 7. lipnja 2023. u 10.30 u dvorani H profesor Mikolaj Czesnik sa Sveučilišta društvenih i humanističkih znanosti iz Varšave održati prezentaciju pod naslovom
Wealth, Influence, Prestige – Socially Valued Goods from the Perspective of Polish Voters.
Sažetak prezentacije:
This paper’s main objective is to analyse the changes in the access to socially valued goods, such as wealth, influence and prestige, and their impact on voting. We pose the following research questions: during the first term in government (2015-2019), has Law and Justice party (PiS) redistributed wealth, power, and prestige in Polish society? Do those to whom its offer was primarily addressed (i.e., people not privileged in accessing the above-mentioned goods) believe that their situation in this respect has improved? Polish National Election Study (PGSW) data identify a statistically significant difference in assessing the four-year cycle (regarding access to socially valued goods) between the PiS electorate and other groups. We find that this variable has a significant impact on voting, even when many other important determinants of Poland’s electoral behaviour are controlled. These analyses contribute to the literature on democracy, electoral behaviour, populism, and populists in power.