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Advanced Research Seminar - dr. Slavica Jakelić

Advanced Research Seminar - dr. Slavica Jakelić

Dr. Slavica Jakelić (Visiting Fellow, Yale Divinity School, Richard P. Baepler Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, Christ College – The Honors College of Valparaiso University): Humanism as a Meeting Space: From Culture Wars to Religious-Secular Solidarity, June 13th, 12.00, Room H 

Slavica Jakelić is the Richard P. Baepler Distinguished Professor in the Humanities at Valparaiso University’s honors college. Her scholarly interests and publications center on religion and nationalism, religious and secular humanisms, theories of religion and secularism, theories of modernity, and interreligious conflict and dialogue. Jakelić has worked at or was a fellow of a number of interdisciplinary institutes in Europe and the United States—the Erasmus Institute for the Culture of Democracy in Croatia; the Institute for the Study of Economic Culture at Boston University; the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna; the Martin Marty Center at the University of Chicago; the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study; the Erasmus Institute at the University of Notre Dame; the Kroc Institute at the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School; and Yale Divinity School. She is a Senior Fellow of the national project “Religion & Its Publics,” placed at the University of Virginia, where she was a faculty member and co-director at the UVA’s Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture for several years. She is also a Senior Fellow of the international project “Orthodoxy and Human Rights“, placed at Fordham University.  

Jakelić 's writings have appeared in journals such as the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Journal of Religious Ethics, Political Theology, The Hedgehog Review, The Review of Faith &International Affairs, Studies in Religion, Sciences Religieuses, and Commonweal. She co-edited three volumes: The Future of the Study of Religion, Crossing Boundaries: From Syria to Slovakia, and The Hedgehog Review’s issue “After Secularization”. Jakelić is the author of Collectivistic Religions: Religion, Choice, and Identity in Late Modernity (Routledge, 2016) and is currently working on two books, Pluralizing Humanism (under contract with Routledge) and Ethical Nationalisms.



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