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Gostujuće predavanje na kolegiju Politički marketing - Marco Silva

Gostujuće predavanje na kolegiju Politički marketing - Marco Silva

Marco Silva - gostujuće predavanje na kolegiju Politički marketing, 26. svibnja u 10.30h, dvorana D.

Marco Silva is a senior journalist for BBC News specialising in climate disinformation. He spends his days monitoring how bad information about global warming spreads online. In the last year, he exposed how the fossil fuel industry spent million dollars in misleading digital adverts. He also investigated how traffic reduction schemes across the UK became embroiled in conspiracy theories. When not on social media, Marco can often be found kayaking or cycling across Oxford, where he is based. 

 “From denial to ‘delayism’, I will show you how bad information about climate change can take many different shapes and forms. But how can journalists like us tackle the problem? I will share some tips, based on my own experiences reporting for the BBC.”

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