Poštovani kolegice i kolege
Drugi kolokvij piše se 23. siječnja prema sljedećem rasporedu: prva seminarska grupa u 13:30, druga seminarska grupa u 14:30
Literatura je dostupna na intranetu, sve prezentacije bit će dostupne sutra ujutro!
U 16 sati isti dan održat će se live stream predavanje iz Washingtona, dobili smo priliku slušati o američkim predsjedničkim izborima iz "prve ruke" i sudjelovati u diskusiji eksperata!
Dolazak na predavanje je obavezan i posebno se vrednuje! Vjerujem da ćemo svi uživati! Cijeli semestar ste imali dva obvezna predavanja tako da sam sigurna de se radujete ovoj prilici!
The program will feature renowned pollster John Zogby who will provide an analysis of the 2020 presidential election, including the Democratic Party debates and first round of primaries, and how they may affect the presidential race and makeup of the U.S. Congress. He will also discuss how polling will be a central feature of media reporting, campaigns, and other key aspects of the electoral process.
Mr. Zogby will take questions from an audience of foreign journalists gathered in DC, as well as off-camera viewing groups hosted at embassies and America Spaces. People can also watch the program from anywhere and submit questions through the chatbox, by visiting the streaming page: interactive.america.gov/elections-2020-zogby.
Election season is underway, with six Democratic Party debates already completed. The Iowa caucuses (February 3) and New Hampshire primaries (February 11) are right around the corner. The fast-paced political environment makes it difficult to predict electoral outcomes, but this briefing will help set the stage for the current state of play for the 2020 elections.
John Zogby is a renowned public opinion pollster, author, and public speaker, and founder of John Zogby Strategies.
He has spent the past four decades as one of the most accurate pollsters in the world, conducting business in 80 countries, and leading the way in finding the meaning, story, direction, and usefulness of the data collected.