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120 ECTS credit points are allocated to the graduate programme of journalism which lasts 4 terms. Upon completion of the two-year graduate programme of journalism students are awarded a Master of Arts degree in journalism.

It is necessary to take an entrance exam to enrol in the graduate programme of journalism.

The Bachelor degree in journalism (180 ECTS credit points) or the completion of an undergraduate programme in the field of social sciences and humanities provides access to the graduate university programme of journalism.

In comparison to the undergraduate programme, the graduate programme is less extensive (number of courses and week schedule) because students at this level are expected to consolidate and complete the knowledge and skills acquired so far in order to use them in their professional life. All courses at this level are worth 7 ECTS credit points, whereas the thesis work is worth 22 ECTS credit points. Beside the regular classes, every week students are offered a wide range of guest lectures by editors and journalists working for well-known and respected media houses as well as by experts on public relations and media communication.

During their third term of the graduate programme students choose one out of 3 offered major fields of study: Media and Journalism, Public Relations, and Political Communication.

In order to graduate, students are required to pass all exams, complete their study obligations, submit and publicly defend their master thesis in accordance with the study programme.

All details concerning graduate assignments, master theses and exams are defined by study programmes of the respective studies.