Teaching, education, research and development
Croatia, Zagreb
Cost (EUR)
28.224,00 EUR
Role in the action
EACEA – ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Module
01/09/2014 – 31/08/2017
Objectives and results of the action
The purpose of this proposal is to establish the first ever Jean Monnet Module on the Europeanization process in the Western Balkans that will become the core of teaching and researching of the EU impact in the region connecting professors, young researchers and experts from the Balkans.
This Module’s aim is to establish interdisciplinary research on specialized issue of European Studies: economic, political, legal, institutional and social impact of the EU in the Western Balkans. This Module is structured to ensure students have the ability to communicate on European Union across disciplines.
This Module will combine theoretical debates with empirical research of professors, decision-makers, experts, civil society institutions and students. It will be geographically-oriented subject (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) with sector-oriented Europeanization issues (political parties, parliaments, governments, administration, rule of law and corruption, minority rights, education, youth, environment, energy, business and employment etc.) with strong input of regional experts and academics.