Jezik | Language: HRV ENG

Participating in MUN allows students the acquisition of key knowledge on the UN and International Relations as well as skills in debating, writing and presentation. This particular combination of knowledge transfer bridges theory and practice. MUN can be called a skill alliance that helps to close the gap between universities and specific political and administrative institutions.


The seminars and MUN represent active-learning models that encourage a paradigm shift in teaching and learning by focusing on learning by doing. This will improve learning outcomes, provide students with self-empowerment as it promotes and rewards teachers by shifting their role to an advisory position within a network of advisors.

Students will be involved in the joint blended MUN training seminar in various ways. They will prepare for and work in the seminar individually, in pairs or in groups with students from their university but also from the other partners. They will conduct their research, create presentations and lectures as well as input on various topics, engage in active debates and practice public speaking (1st semester). In preparation for the virtual or the real life MUN they will work on a position paper for which they will do the research necessary and write it according to the formatting specifications. After handing in their position paper, they will read and work with the other delegation’s position papers for the respective conference to be informed about other positions. For evaluation, they will regularly provide feedback for their peers and teachers and at the end of each course participate in evaluations and review sessions (2nd semester).