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Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Public Governance

Public Governance






Lecturers in charge:

doc. dr. sc. Anka Kekez Koštro


doc. dr. sc. Anka Kekez Koštro - Seminar

Take exam:



  • Lectures 30
  • Seminar 30

* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)


The course is designed as a complementary subject of the course Public Policy and other courses that deal with different aspects of the process of policy-making within the Faculty. Elements of the policy-making process, this course connects with the structures and processes of governance with special emphasis on the process of implementation of public policy. In this context, the implementation is presented as an operational part of governance, as well as the practical management of the process of achieving the goals of public policy. In the first part of the lecture course covers the process a number of aspects of operational management through organizational theory, and the second is a thorough analysis of various models of reform of public management and their impact on implementation. Seminar exercises follow the lecture topics and deepen them through exercise dealing with provision of practical public services in Croatia. At the end of the course, the reform models are used for analysis and evaluation of the development of public administration and management practices in Croatia.


  1. Petak, Z.; Dimenzije javnih politika i javno upravljanje.; Politička misao. Vol. 15. Br. 2 (2008), str. 9-26
  2. Šeparović Perko, I; Izazovi javnog menadžmenta: dileme javne uprave.; Zagreb: Golden marketing (2006)
  3. Koprić, I. i dr.; Upravna znanost.; Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2014)
  4. Kekez Koštro, A., Urbanc, K., Salaj, I.; Implementacija kao operativno upravljanje: analiza transformacije implementacije hrvatske politike prema osobama s invaliditetom. Anali hrvatskog politološkog društva 2012. 9; 409- 439; Anali hrvatskog politološkog društva 2012. 9 (2013), str. 409-439
  5. Hill, M.; Proces stvaranja javnih politika.; Zagreb: Fakultet političkih znanosti. (2010)
  6. Perko Šeparović, I.; Weberov pojam birokracije.; Politička misao. Vol XXII. Br. 3. (1985), str. 119-126
  7. Petak, Z.; Oblikovanje javnih politika u Hrvatskoj i problem policy-koordinacije.; Anali hrvatskog politološkog društva 2009. 5. (2009), str. 263-275
  8. Petak, Z.; Izvješće o kvaliteti demokracije, javnih politika i javnog upravljanja.; Političke analize 18 (2014), str. 51-56
  9. Kekez, Anka i Širinić, Daniela; Neposredna implementacija javnih politika u zajednici: modeli u praksi hrvatske socijalne politike; u: Koprić, Ivan, Anamarija Musa, Teo Giljević (ur.) Građani, javna uprava i lokalna samouprava: povjerenje, suradnja, potpora. Zagreb: Institut za javnu upravu (2017), str. 413-436



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Izborni NOV 3-1 - Part-time studij - University undergraduate programme of Journalism


Mandatory course - Regular studij - University undergraduate programme of Political Science
Mandatory course - Part-time studij - University undergraduate programme of Political Science

