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Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Health Policy and Systems

Health Policy and Systems






Lecturers in charge:

prof. dr. sc. Dagmar Radin


prof. dr. sc. Dagmar Radin - Seminar

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  • Lectures 30
  • Seminar 30

* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)


This course provides a comparative overview of the different health care systems in the world. It is designed to introduce the student to issues affecting health care systems and explain why the study of health care is different from other public policy issues. After an introductory portion of the course, the following lectures are divided into three different sections: the health policy process, the specific problem areas of health care, and a sample of heath care systems around the world. Here the students will have the opportunity to learn in depth about the individual health care systems of the countries selected. Finally, the last part of the class will provide a venue for students to get involved in the comparative studies of the countries through the analysis of the success of their health care approaches.


  1. Hsiao, William; What is a Health System? Why Should We Care?; (2003)
  2. Coyne, J. and P. Hilsenrath; The World Health Report 2000: can Health Care Systems be Compared Using a Single Measure of Performance; American Journal of Public Health (2002)
  3. Hsiao, William C; Abnormal Economics in the Health Care Sector; Health Policy (1995)
  4. Thurner, Paul W. and Peter Kotzian; Comparative Health Care Systems; (2001)
  5. Danis, Marion, Clancy, Carolyn and Larry R. Churchill; Ethical Dimensions of Health Policy; (2002)
  6. Sabatier, Paul.; Theories of the Policy Process; (2007)
  7. Hacker, Jacob; Review Article: Dismantling the Health Care State? Political Institutions, Public Policies, and the Comparative Politics of Health Reform; British Journal of Political Science (2004)
  8. Wilsford, David; Path Dependency, or Why History Makes it Difficult but not impossible to reform health care systems in a big way; Journal of Public Policy
  9. Immergut, Ellen.; Institutions, Veto Points, and Policy Results: A Comparative Analysis of Health Care." Journal of Public Policy; Journal of Public Policy (1990)



IZBORNI MES 1-2 - Regular studij - European Studies
Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Journalism
Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Political Science
Usmjerenje JAVNE POLITIKE, MENADŽMENT I RAZVOJ dp 1. semestar - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Political Science
Izborni predmeti DPNS 1. semestar - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Political Science, track National Security
Izborni predmeti DPNS 1. semestar - Part-time studij - University graduate programme of Political Science, track National Security
Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University undergraduate programme of Journalism
Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University undergraduate programme of Political Science

