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doc. dr. sc. Anka Kekez Koštro




Anka Kekez is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, where she teaches public policy and public management. She also teaches qualitative data analysis and since 2022 is an instructor at the Methods Excellence Network Summer School in Social Research Methods. Her research interests include policy implementation and service delivery, public management reforms and policy design, collaborative governance, political meta-governance and clientelism. Her work is published in international journals such as Policy and Society and Policy Sciences.  In 2019, she has edited (together with Michael Howlett and M Ramesh) the book “Collaboration in Service Delivery: Promise and Pitfalls”.  She also has 18 years of experience in social development, including the design and implementation of applied policy research. In teaching, she uses service learning as a method of teaching and learning through experience in which participants acquire and use knowledge and skills by addressing the needs of their community.​​

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