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Croatia in International Economic Relations

Croatia in International Economic Relations






Lecturers in charge:

doc. dr. sc. Josip Lučev


doc. dr. sc. Josip Lučev - Seminar

Take exam:



  • Lectures 30
  • Seminar 30

* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)


Competitiveness is decreasingly a result merely of the differences in prices of individual products. Analyses of export results in developed countries show that success is connected less with specialization and more with the general efficiency of the entire economy. The focus of competitiveness has shifted from prices to technology, quality, design, delivery timeframes and financial support of export programs. In other words, to an integral competitiveness of the modern economy. This course will show the role of an active and efficient development interventionism, particularly in successful examples of structural adjustment. Croatian economic system plays an important role in determining whether or not the entire developmental path proves harmful. The new global economy, with its integration and competitiveness, provides ample visible examples of economic success. The objective of this course is to study the most developed economies as well as their interaction with the most important multilateral organizations in the post-hegemonic global economy. Multilateral organizations such as the WTO (as well as the IMF and the World Bank) are best understood in their international political context, shaped in large part by the most developed economies. Confirmation of these assumptions is crucial for the analysis of Croatia's position in international economic relations.


  1. Družić, G.; Croatian Economic Development and the EU: Potential and Perspectives; Školska knjiga (2009)
  2. Tica, J., Globan, T. and Levaj, M.; Foreign Direct Investment in the Successor States of Yugoslavia; Springer (2021), str. 51-77
  3. Kotarski, K. and Petak, Z.; Policy-Making at the European Periphery; Palgrave Macmillan (2019), str. 1-25
  4. Lučev, J. and Cvrtila, D.; ). Economic Policy Independence in EU Member States: Political Economy of Croatian Membership.; Ekonomski vjesnik/Econviews-Review of Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues (2021), str. 225-240
  5. Brkić, L.; Theory of Economic Growth and Stability: the Case of Croatia; Politička misao: časopis za politologiju (1996), str. 17-32



Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Journalism
Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Political Science
Usmjerenje MEĐUNARODNI ODNOSI dp 1. semestar - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Political Science
Izborni predmeti DPNS 1. semestar - Regular studij - University graduate programme of Political Science, track National Security
Izborni predmeti DPNS 1. semestar - Part-time studij - University graduate programme of Political Science, track National Security
Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University undergraduate programme of Journalism
Izborni GS-1 - Regular studij - University undergraduate programme of Political Science


doc. dr. sc. Josip Lučev:

doc. dr. sc. Josip Lučev:
