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About employee

doc. dr. sc. Mario Munta

The Faculty of Political Science
Title: Assistant Professor
Function:Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb / Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute / Adjunct Professor at the James Madison University
Public phone number:[+39] 055 4685 938
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page:
Official web page URL:
Graduation year:2013 graduation year:2014
PhD graduation year:2020
Employed since:2015




List of select publications

Munta, M., Pircher, B. & Bekker, S. (2023) Ownership of National Recovery Plans: Next Generation EU and Democratic Legitimacy. Journal of European Public Policy, OnlineFirst.

Crespy, A. & Munta, M. (2023) Lost in transition? Social justice and the politics of the EU green transition. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 29(2): 235-251.

Kekez, A. & Munta, M. (2022) Governance priorities in political decision-making: an analysis of process-oriented goals in Croatian public policiesCroatian and comparative public administration: a journal for theory and practice of public administration, 22(4): 703-733.

Petek, A…Munta, M. et al. (2022) From hierarchy to continuum : classifying the technical dimension of policy goals. Policy Sciences, OnlineFirst.

Munta, M., Đurašković, S., Kovačević, M. (2022) The Youth Shall Inherit the Earth? Supranational Identity-Building in Socialist Yugoslavia and the EU Compared. Croatian Political Science Review, 59(2): 13-40.

Munta, M. (2021) EU Socio-Economic Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: The European Semester and National Employment Policies. Abingdon; New York: Routledge.

Petek, A…Munta, M. et al. (2021) Unboxing the vague notion of policy goals: Comparison of Croatian public policiesEuropean Policy Analysis, 2021 (7): 451-469.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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