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Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

About employee

prof. dr. sc. Enes Kulenović

The Faculty of Political Science
Title: Full Professor
Function:Full Professor
E-mail: E-mail




List of select publications


  1. Ljudska prava nakon Babela, Biblioteka političke analize, 2019.
  2. Govor mržnje u Hrvatskoj, E. Kulenović (ur.), Biblioteka političke analize, Zagreb, 2016.
  3. Moderna politička teorija, E. Kulenović (ur.), Biblioteka politička misao, Zagreb, 2013. (sveučilišni udžbenik)
  4. Sloboda, pluralizam i nacionalizam: politička teorija Isaiaha Berlina, Biblioteka politička misao, Zagreb, 2006.


  1. What is Wrong with Populism? Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva, Vol. 18 No. 1, 2021: 325-342.
  2. Hate Speech, Contentious Symbols and Politics of Memory: Survey Research on Croatian Citizens' Attitudes, Politička misao, god. 55. br. 4, 2018: 176-202. (u koautorstvu s Nebojšom Blanušom)
  3. Disruptive Disobedience (with Derek Edyvane), The Journal of Politics, vol. 79, no, 4, October 2017: 1359-1371.
  4. Political Philosophy and Public Policy: Six Models, PPI – Philosophy and Public Issues, 4 (3), 2014: 21-35.
  5. Defending Perfectionism: Some Comments on Quong's Liberalism without Perfection, Filozofija i društvo,  25 (1), 2014: 35-46.


List of select projects

Hate Speech in Croatia (2014-2016)

Political Polarization (2020-2022)

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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