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About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Petek

The Faculty of Political Science
Title: Associate Professor
E-mail: E-mail



List of select publications

Petek, Ana i Dario Nikić Čakar. 2016. Što je politika javnog upravljanja? Političke analize 7(26): 37-44.

Novak, Miranda i Ana Petek. 2015. Mentalno zdravlje kao politički problem u Hrvatskoj. Ljetopis socijalnog rada. 22(2): 191-221.

Petek, Ana. 2014. Vrste javnih politika Theodorea Lowija: specifičnosti stvaranja socijalnih politika. Revija za socijalnu politiku. 21(3): 361-376.

Petek, Ana i Krešimir Petković, ur. 2014. Pojmovnik javnih politika. Zagreb: Fakultet političkih znanosti.

Petek, Ana. 2012. Što su hrvatske javne politike? Političke analize 3(11):37-45.

Petek, Ana. 2011. Transformacija politike prema osobama s invaliditetom RH: analiza ciljeva. Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva 2010. 7:101-121.

Professional memberships

Member of Croatian Political Science Association (CPSA) since 2005. CPSA’s Secretary from 2007 to 2010.

Member of International Political Science Association (IPSA) since 2008.

Member of Institute for Public Administration since 2011.

Member of editorial board of scientific journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, aince 2011.

Member of editorial board of scientific journal Annals of Croatian Political Science Association, 2014-2018. Executive editor since 2015. 

List of select projects

2016 July – 2017 July Principal investigator within the project How government governs: actor and process analysis of political decision-making in the Government of the Republic of Croatia, funded by University of Zagreb.   

2015 July – 2016 September Researcher on the project Political priorities in Croatia, funded by the European Social Fund.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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