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Theories of Nationalism

Theories of Nationalism







dr. sc. Tihomir Cipek , prof.


dr. sc. Tihomir Cipek , prof. - Seminar

Prijava ispita:



  • Predavanja 30
  • Seminar 30

* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)


Poučiti studente i studentice glavnim suvremenim teorijama nacionalizma, analizirati ključne pojmove i raspravljati o klasičnim raspravama, pitanjima i nedoumicama kod proučavanja nacionalizma. Na kolegiju će se raspravljati o pitanju zašto je nacionalizam još uvijek važan pokretač u suvremenoj politici i zašto je njegovo znanstveno proučavanje i dalje relevantno. Nakon toga dati će se pregled i ocjena glavnih sustavnih tipologija nacionalizma, i ispitati kako se ključni pojmovi, kao što su nacija , nacionalizam , nacionalnost , identitet i srodni nazivi koriste kod različitih autora. Nadalje, kolegij će se baviti glavnim teorijama (modernizam, konstruktivizam, primordializam, postmodernizam) koje objašnjavaju nastanak nacionalizma. Također će ukratko ispitati i kako se reproducira nacionalna i etnička simbolika. Kolegij će se baviti i suvremenim društvenim i političkim promjenama koje utječu na budućnost nacionalizma, te će se pokušati procijeniti koliko globalizacija utječe na suverenitet, nacionalnu pripadnost, demokraciju i nacionalnu državu.


  1. Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London, 2006 (1982);
  2. Smith, Anthony, Chosen Peoples: Sacred Sources of National Identity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003;
  3. Hobsbawm, Eric, Nations and Nationalisms since 1780. Program, Myth Reality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990;
  4. Breuilly, John, Nationalism and the State, Manchester University Press, 1993;
  5. Geertz, Clifford, Old Societies and New States: The Quest for Modernity in Asia and Africa, New York: Free Press, 1963.;
  6. Gradivo s predavanja;
  7. Umut Oezkirimli; Theories Of Nationalism: A Critical Introduction; Palgrave Macmillan (2019)



Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni diplomski studij Novinarstvo
Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni diplomski studij Politologija
Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Novinarstvo
Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Politologija


Izborni NOV 3-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Novinarstvo
Izborni NOV 3-1 - Izvanredni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Novinarstvo
Izborni pol 3-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Politologija
Izborni pol 3-1 - Izvanredni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Politologija


Izborni pol 4-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Politologija
Izborni pol 4-1 - Izvanredni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Politologija


prof. dr. sc. Tihomir Cipek:

Ponedjeljkom u 20:30, na Fakultetu


Conservative Revolution and Nationalism
Conservative Revolution and Nationalism | IntechOpen The text uses the theory of nationalism to analyze the fundamental ideas of the conservative revolution. This is done through the reconstruction of the basic theses of the political thought of Thomas Mann, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Ernst Jünger, Oswald Spengler and Carl Schmitt. The analysis is focused on the way in which they interpreted the relationship between language and nation, war and nation, liberalism and nation, and the nation’s relationship with the West. It has shown that language was thought to reflect the spirit of the nation, that war was considered as the foundation of the national identity, that liberalism was given the role of the main ideological enemy of German national identity, and that the West was rejected while Russia and Dostoevsky were praised. The subsequent conclusion is that the ideology of the conservative revolution was based on German nationalism and the rejection of liberalism. Finally, it has been noted that, although conservative revolutionaries advocated for a dictatorship, they did not want a return to the old regime of the monarchy but an authoritarian conservative utopia. It is precisely those utopian elements of the conservative revolution that still make its ideas appealing to the radical right. Conservative Revolution and Nationalism | IntechOpen
Colloquium I – 20. 11. 2024
Dear colleagues, your obligations regarding the 1st colloquium are the book: Umut Özkirimli,  "Theories of Nationalism" (first 4 chapters - up to 142 page) and the next presentations: Philosophical Origins of National Doctrines; The Rise of National Movements. All the best, Tihomir Cipek
Didier Eribon
Multiculturalism and Social Trust
Putnam, Robert D. (June 2007). " E Pluribus Unum : Diversity and community in the twenty-first century".  Scandinavian Political Studies .  30  (2): 137–174.  doi : 10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x .  The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture . Robert D. Putnam - Wikipedia
Colloquium II - 15.1.2025
Dear colleagues, colloquium (written exam with five questions) will be held on 24.1. at 17:15.  Your obligations regarding the 2st colloquium are the book "Theories of Nationalism" (chapters 5, 6, and 7; pages 143-219) (and presentation Nationalism and State Building Nastavni materijali/ presention_prof.Cipek). All the best, Prof. Tihomir Cipek
Islamism and Democracy
Bassam Tibi - Wikipedia Tibi is known for introducing the controversial concept of European  Leitkultur  as well as the concept of  Euroislam  to discussions about integration of Muslim immigrants to countries in Europe. When it comes to Europe, Tibi distinguishes positive and negative elements of European culture. The positive ones are, according to Tibi,  enlightenment ,  pluralism ,  civil rights  and  secularization . Tibi argues that there is a need for Europe to defend these values, especially in times of  globalization  and  migration  from Muslim countries. On the other hand, Tibi argues that  racism  is a European invention, and that Europeans must overcome what he calls "Euro-arrogance" and  xenophobia  to integrate immigrant.
The End of Illusions
Andreas Reckwitz - Wikipedia The End of Illusions: Politics, Economics and Culture in Late Modernity . Polity, Cambridge 2021 Soziologe Andreas Reckwitz - Das Zeitalter der Deregulierung ist zu Ende (  
Ontological Insecurity
  Dear colleagues, in the lecture I tried to connect - fear - nationalism - and the concept of ontological insecurity. Below I bring a quote and refer to two titles. I hope this will interest you in the concept and allow you to connect the theory of nationalism with the theory of international relations. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, Tihomir Cipek "By default, nations are held together by master- narratives about the continuous self, moving through time and space. This imagined self stretches from the time immemorial, golden era and common ancestors through chosen glories and shared traumas to the present, which periodically returns to yet another critical juncture on the path towards eternal future.....As Uriel Abulof points out, ‘historical novelty is a grave threat to ethnic ontological security, since it undercuts the primordial claim’ (Abulof 2015: 38-9). In critical situations, amassed inconsistencies in autobiography are brought to the forefront of public discussion pushing nations into the paralysing vortex of shame and self-doubt."   Ejdus, F. (2018). Critical situations, fundamental questions and ontological insecurity in world politics. Journal of International Relations and Development, 21(4), 883-908. Catarina Kinnvall, Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security,  Political Psychology,25,5, 2004,  pp. 741-767
Why Do Central European Nationalists Love Israel So Much?
Opinion | Why Do Central European Nationalists Love Israel So Much? - The New York Times (
Multiculturalism and Social Trust
Putnam, Robert D. (June 2007). " E Pluribus Unum : Diversity and community in the twenty-first century".  Scandinavian Political Studies .  30  (2): 137–174.  doi : 10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x .  The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture . Robert D. Putnam - Wikipedia    
The Global Class, National State and Democracy
Dear colleagues, you can follow the discussion of the relationship between the nation/state and democracy, the global class and populism in the book: Jan Zielonka, Counter Revolution. Liberal Europe in Reatreat. It is also good to look at the article:  The Global Class and the new Inequality by Ralf Dahrendorf., and Antonio Polito:  Die Krisen der Demokratie. Ein Gespräch.  C. H. Beck, München 2003 Jan Zielonka   The book takes the form of a series of heartfelt letters to the late European guru Ralf Dahrendorf. Several months after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dahrendorf wrote a book fashioned on Edmund Burke's  Reflections on the Revolution  in France. Like Burke, he chose to put his analysis in the form of a letter, reflecting on the implications of the turbulent period around 1989. Thirty years' later, and faced with an equally turbulent period, Jan Zielonka asks: what next?  This is not a book on populism, however: it is a book about liberalism. Populism has become a favourite topic within liberal circles and few have exposed populist deceptions and dangers better than liberal writers. Yet, liberals have shown themselves better at finger-pointing than at self-reflection. This book addresses the imbalance; it is a self-critical book by a life-time liberal.  
Croatia’s Presidency of the European Union and the Western Balkans
Croatia’s Presidency of the European Union and the Western Balkans . A New Momentum or a Missed Opportunity?  // Südosteuropa,   68  (2020), 4; 554-568 doi:10.1515/soeu-2020-0037 link:
ASEN (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism)
•ASEN (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism). The major scholarly association: •The Nationalism Project (run by Eric GE Zuelow). Idiosyncratic, but useful: / •Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Article with links: / •Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Good for pre-copyright texts, e.g. by Herder and Mazzini: •Institute for Human Science:  htpp://
Theories of Nationalism - Welcome and Exam Rules
Dear colleagues, welcome to the University of Zagreb.  I'm glad you made your choice and you'll be attending:   Theory of Nationalism. P lease take into account the exam rules: the basis of the exam is the book by U.Ozkirmil, The Theory of Nationalism and Presentation: Philosophical Origins of Nationalist Doctrine;  The Rise of National Movements; Nationalism and State Building; and The Theory of Nationalism-Summary. Exams will be written. Two successfully solved colloquiums (also written) are valid as successfully passed the exam. All the best, Tihomir Cipek
Wodak/ Stiglitz/ Milanović/ Fukuyama ....
Dear colleagues, below are the titles of the books I mentioned: Ruth Wodak, Politik mit der Angst, 2020. (Politics of Fear. London:Sage) Joseph E. Stiglitz, People, Power, and Profits. Progressiv Capitalism for an Age of Discontent, 2019. (Cijena profita. Moramo spasiti kapitalizma od smouništenja, Zagreb: Profil 2020) Branko Milanović, Capitalism Alone: The future of the System That Rules the World, Harvard Univesity Press 2019. Frencis Fukuyama, Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2018. (Identitet. Zagreb: Tim press, 2020) Reading is the key of thought. Thank you for your cooperation. All the best, Tihomir Cipek    
Croatia’s Presidency of the European Union.....
Croatia’s Presidency of the European Union and the Western Balkans . A New Momentum or a Missed Opportunity?  // Südosteuropa,   68  (2020), 4; 554-568 doi:10.1515/soeu-2020-0037 link:
Recommendation - BBC Documentary - The Death of Yugoslavia
Dear colleagues, I advise you to watch the excellent BBC documentary series Death of Yugoslavia available on youtube. It is an excellent insight into the power and consequences of nationalism. Take your time, you won't regret it. Best regards, prof. Tihomir Cipek
Websites about Nation and Nationalism
Websites about Nation and Nationalism Dear Colleagues, I am sending you a website that will help you in your work. I wish you a nice weekend. All the best, Prof. Cipek ASEN (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism). The major scholarly association: The Ernest Gellner Resource Site. This site includes a transcript of the ‘Warwick Debate’: /
good and bad civil society?!?
  VIRÁG MOLNÁR Department of Sociology, The New School for Social Research, Civil society, radicalism and the rediscovery of mythic nationalism, Nations and Nationalism (1), 2016, 165–185. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12126  
Fukuyama's Lectuer on Identity
Dear colleagues, I recommend Fukuyama's lecture on identity, of course it is also about national identity. I wish you much success in your learning. All the best, prof. Cipek
"Counter-Revolution. Liberal Europe in Retreat".
Jan Zielonka , Ralf Dahrendorf wrote a famous book on the liberal revolution after the fall of the Berlin Wall and Zielonka, a Ralf Dahrendorf Fellow at Oxford, addresses his ideas as a modern response to equally turbulent times. In this book Jan Zielonka explores the sources of this counter-revolution to the liberal establishment and asks if Europeans can feel secure again? a very interesting book!!!!!    
Community and Society
Ferdinand Tönnies distinguished between two types of social groupings. Gemeinschaft —often translated as community (or left untranslated)—refers to groupings based on feelings of togetherness and on mutual bonds, which are felt as a goal to be kept up, their members being means for this goal. Gesellschaft —often translated as society —on the other hand, refers to groups that are sustained by it being instrumental for their members' individual aims and goals
ASEN (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism).
Dear Colleagues, I am sending you a website that will help you in your work. I wish you a nice weekend. All the best, prof. Cipek ASEN (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism). The major scholarly association:  
- Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickelt (2009) The Spirit Level : Why Greater Equality Makes Societes Stronger - Tony Yudt (2010) Ill Fares the Landñuel All the best, Prof Tihomir Cipek
Putnam, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy I wish you a pleasant holiday   Prof  Tihomir Cipek  
Websites about Nation and Nationalism
Dear Colleagues, I am sending you a website that will help you in your work. I wish you a nice weekend. All the best, prof. Cipek ASEN (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism). The major scholarly association: The Ernest Gellner Resource Site. This site includes a transcript of the ‘Warwick Debate’: /