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Master of European Studies

Master of European Studies is a one-year graduate programme (2 semesters) worth 60 ECTS, and upon completion, the title of Master of Arts in European Studies is obtained. The program is fully taught in English. It enables students to acquire the ability to solve a wide range of problems within the interdisciplinary field of European studies and teaches them how to develop and apply acquired knowledge and ideas in the fields of European law, politics, and economics.

Prerequisite for the enrolment for equivalent undergraduate programmes is completed 4-year undergraduate university study programme worth 240 ECTS. For non-equivalent undergraduate programmes prerequisites for the enrolment is completed non-equivalent 4-year undergraduate university study programme (240 ECTS) in social sciences or humanities in Republic of Croatia, or completed non-equivalent 4-year undergraduate university study programme (240 ECTS) in social sciences or humanities abroad.

Before applying for the Master of European Studies programme all candidates who obtained their bachelor/undergraduate degree at foreign higher education institution must apply for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions for the purpose of continuing education in Croatia. Instructions on how to apply for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions for the purpose of continuing education in Croatia at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science can be found on the following link.

Information about Master of European Studies courses can be found here.

Enrolment quota

30 students

Tuition fee

2.000,00 Euro

Employment possibilities

After having graduated, students will have acquired qualifications for employment on both national and European markets. Potential employers are both public and private. Public sector employers include national institutions and agencies involved with European affairs, European institutions, as well as regional and local government. Private employers include PR agencies, media, consultancies and every business involved with trade on the internal market of the EU.

Housing, scholarship and student card (X-card)

Students can choose between two housing options: living in a student residence hall or private accommodation. The University of Zagreb does not guarantee student accommodation. Students who decide to seek accommodation in the student halls of residence need to apply for it. More information is available here.

The Faculty of Political Science does not provide scholarships.

Enroled students will receive a student card (X-card) that they can use in student restaurants. However, non-EU students are required to pay the full price of the meal (subsidies do not apply).


Information on how to complete the graduate studies

Students are required to submit the following documents to the Admissions Office within the deadlines specified by the Decision on Thesis Defense, after receiving confirmation from the thesis supervisor:

  • One spiral-bound thesis containing the Declaration of Authorship and Compliance with Ethical Rules in Academic Work
  • Student ID card
  • Confirmation from the Library regarding returned books (regardless of whether the books were ever borrowed)
  • Confirmation of fee payment for the printing of the diploma and supplementary document:
    • Amount: 50.00 Euro
    • Bank: Zagrebačka banka
    • IBAN: HR1423600001101217644
    • Model: HR00
    • Reference number: 17 - OIB
    • Payment description: diploma expenses MES
    • Recipient: Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, Ulica Ivana Lepušića 6, 10000 Zagreb

The final version of the thesis, in PDF/A format, identical to the printed version of the defended thesis, must be uploaded on the following link on the day of the defense.


After filling out the form and uploading your thesis, click SPREMITE PROMJENE (SAVE CHANGES), and then select PREDAJ ADMINISTRATORU NA PREGLED (SUBMIT TO ADMINISTRATOR FOR REVIEW). Once your thesis submission is reviewed, you will receive feedback via email (check your spam folder!) confirming the submission or notifying you that the administrator has returned your Declaration for revision. If revisions are necessary, when you open your Declaration, the notes will indicate what needs to be changed. After making the changes, resubmit the thesis to the administrator.

Please be patient as the application is new, and difficulties may arise.

If you encounter any issues with submitting the digital version of your thesis, contact us at