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Ispitni rokovi za akademsku godinu 2024./2025.
Poštovane kolegice i kolege, na internetskoj stranici Fakulteta objavljeni su termini predstojećih ispitnih rokova za kolegije iz zimskog semestra. Možete ih pregledati na ovoj poveznici . Akademski kalendar dostupan je na ovoj poveznici .
Gostujuće predavanje: Iskustva sindikalnog organiziranja u Hrvatskoj
APEL Fakulteta političkih znanosti novinarima i urednicima
Produženje roka za prijavu završnih radova - novi rok 30. siječnja 2025.
Budući da jedan dio studentica i studenata još uvijek nije pronašao mentore za završne radove na prijediplomskom studiju, rok za prijavu tema i pronalazak mentora smo produžili do 30. siječnja 2025. godine.   Podsjećamo da završne radove mogu mentorirati nastavnici fakulteta s doktoratom znanosti, zaposleni na znanstveno-nastavnim ili suradničkim radnim mjestima. Studenti mogu pisati završni rad kod bilo kojeg nastavnika prijediplomskog studija politologije ili novinarstva, neovisno o tome na kojem studiju nastavnik predaje. Studenti prije 30. siječnja prijavljuju teme putem aplikacije na Intranetu. Prije tog datuma, potrebno je dogovoriti temu s nastavnikom i potom ju prijaviti u aplikaciji. Budući da velik broj studenata ima dogovorena mentorstva, koja još uvijek nisu prijavljena kroz aplikaciju, molimo Vas da to što prije napravite kako bismo mogli znati konačne brojke studenata koji još traže mentore i mentora koji imaju još nepopunjene kvote. 
Call for trainees: Formal and Informal Intergovernmental Relations
3rd IGCOORD Training School on Formal and Informal Intergovernmental Relations C A L L  F O R  T R A I N E E S Date: 27-30 May 2025 Venue: Eurac Research, Viale Druso 1, Bolzano/Bozen Local host: Institute for Comparative Federalism, Eurac Research Application deadline: 14 February 2025 Notification of acceptance: 28 February 2025
Gostovanje Amy Lillis, šefice političke i ekonomske sekcije Veleposlanstva SAD-a na FPZG-u
Our Democracy Report
Are you ready to step into the shoes of the European Commission? Each year, the European Commission releases a report evaluating the state of rule of law and democracy across 27 EU member states and countries seeking accession. The document assesses key factors such as judicial independence, checks and balances, and media freedom – all crucial for ensuring democratic stability. However, despite its importance as a tool for policy debate, the lengthy and complex report is often viewed as inaccessible to journalists and ordinary citizens. The Our Rule of Law Foundation aims to make this report accessible to the public by recruiting 50-70 Democracy Rapporteurs to translate the report into a citizen-centric analysis.
The call for applications for the Arqus Joint Master's Programme in European Studies
The call for applications for the Arqus Joint Master's Programme in European Studies at the University of Graz, offered in cooperation with the universities of Granada, Leipzig and Vilnius.  The application deadline is 14 March 2025 (23:59 CET).  Please find attached further information about the call , the programme's structure and application procedure .   
The univie: summer school – International and European Studies 2025 of the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna
The univie: summer school will take place from July 12 to August 9, 2025. The four week program offers high-level European studies courses, the Austrian Arbitration Academy, and German language courses.   The European studies courses are held in English and focus on Europe and the European Union. They cover political, economic, and legal transformations, and also historical and cultural aspects of the multiple transitions the continent is currently undergoing. The Austrian Arbitration Academy is designed for law students and focuses on international dispute settlement by arbitral tribunals.